Keep these cupboard staples on hand for a successful ‘Veganuary’
“Veganuary,” a campaign that started in the United Kingdom, is now encouraging people to try a plant-based diet for the first month of the year.
“Veganuary,” a campaign that started in the United Kingdom, is now encouraging people to try a plant-based diet for the first month of the year.
“Detourism”entails exploring your surroundings, often associated with being a tourist in your own area, as per French historian Sylvain Venayre.
(Editor’s Note): Small businesses are important because they provide opportunities for our local entrepreneurs as well as sustainable and meaningful livelihood/means of income for many of their hired workforce. That is why starting this November, the editorial team of POP! will be featuring gift ideas from small businesses to give them the marketing push they […]
The pandemic upended the patterns of food consumption, with four new needs emerging: need for control, comfort, practicality and creativity on a daily basis
The National Museum of Women in the Arts will launch a virtual exhibit about culinary transmission, encouraging netizens to share their own family recipes.
After years of being made fun of and an unusual number of signage theft incidents, the townspeople of Fucking, a small Austrian village west of Upper Austria, will finally be relieved of ridicule come 2021. Mayor Andrea Holzner of Fucking recently announced that the town’s name will be changed to Fugging starting January 1 of […]
While flights to nowhere are growing popular, National Geographic offers some escapism with the latest edition of its annual list of destinations on the up.
Makati food haunt Hole in the Wall is shutting its doors 6 years after it first delivered a new dining experience to city dwellers.
(Editor’s Note): Small businesses are important because they provide opportunities for our local entrepreneurs as well as sustainable and meaningful livelihood/means of income for many of their hired workforce. That is why starting this November, the editorial team of POP! will be featuring gift ideas from small businesses to give them the marketing push they […]