On Thursday, FM radio station Monster RX93.1 announced in a Facebook post that they will now be saying goodbye to their show The Morning Rush.
Monster RX93.1 described it as “an end of an era,” as they bid farewell to their morning show. For over 25 years, The Morning Rush has been providing its morning listeners with fun and laughter. Whether you are on your way to work, to school, or when you’re stuck in the middle of traffic, The Morning Rush was there to accompany you with early enjoyment.
Monster RX93.1 reassured fans not to worry as they will still be hearing from hosts Chico, Hazel, and Markki on different Monster shows on their station. They also invited their avid listeners to join in their farewell week which will be on April 4-8 on-air and online.

Listeners of The Morning Rush, who like to call themselves “Rushers,” were deeply saddened and heartbroken by the sudden news. Hundreds of comments from fans and listeners flooded the Facebook post sharing and recalling their own special memories with the morning show, such as the time they started listening to The Morning Rush during their college days, or how the show has helped them go through their crazy working days.
Rushers also took their time to give thank you messages to the hosts and the show for making their mornings fun, and exciting despite the upcoming stress of work or school. While others couldn’t believe that their favorite comfort show is saying goodbye to them all of a sudden, and wished that the announcement is not real.
Well, worry no more because The Morning Rush is here to stay and accompany you for a long time!
Monster RX93.1, announces that this was all just part of their April Fools’ Prank! And tell fans not to worry anymore as The Morning Rush is here to stay on your airwaves for a long time. Monster RX93.1 also thanked the fans for their overwhelming support, “Your support means so much to us! We love you!”
Happy April Fools’ Rushers! It looks like Monster RX93.1 almost got us for real with this one! But it sure is a relief knowing that your favorite morning buddy, The Morning Rush, is here to stay on the air, and still provide you with fun mornings as you get ready for the day.
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