You could say it’s for a bloody good cause.
A chapter of The Satanic Temple launched a charity drive in Texas to provide people with free menstrual hygiene products.
The Satanic Temple (TST): San Antonio chapter began their “Menstruatin’ with Satan” campaign last Tuesday, Nov. 3.

The drive “aims to make menstruation products available to all people in need, especially those who may not be able to afford them without assistance,” the group wrote on their Facebook page.
They accept unused and unopened boxes tampons, pads, wipes and menstrual cups.
“Menstruation is a non-optional physical reality for many people, and the continued stigmatization of menstruation is harmful to everyone,” the group said. “Through product donations, ‘Menstruatin’ with Satan’ provides menstruation products for distribution to those in need.”
The Satanic Temple, based on Salem, Massachusetts, is a “politically-active” group that claims to enable the communication and mobilization of secularists, advocates of individual liberty, and Satanists, as per the chapter’s Facebook page.
Meanwhile, Rev. Joel Ethan wrote in the Church of Satan website that TST is a “satire/activist group that uses satanic-themed imagery and language to get media and public attention. They are not Satanists, do not have shared ‘deeply held beliefs’ and are unrelated to Satanism, a globally recognized religion founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey.”
The “Menstruatin’ with Satan” campaign started in 2017 with TST’s Arizona chapter. In the first charity drive, the Arizona group collected 64 boxes of tampons, 110 boxes of pads, five packets of baby wipes and two menstrual cups.
TST San Antonio chapter’s current charity drive runs from Nov. 3 until Dec. 3. The donated items collected from the drive will go to local charities and organizations in Texas, as per the group’s post.
The drive also accepts online donations by purchasing items via Amazon. JB
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