In the past years, the Internet has a big place on earth. Most of us use this digital platform as a form of communication and resources. Millennial age owes a big part on the internet, through social media platforms, digital resources, and video gaming.
The diversion of the internet made us realize that it’s not just a form of entertainment but discovering the resources that the internet has to offer especially to students.
However, it has pros and cons and of its cons is, you are not capable of doing this without internet or mobile data.
Not anymore.
A netizen named Miko D. Santos shared his experience on Facebook and the occurrence of its scenario push him to develop a FREE WEB SEARCH wherein Free Facebook Data users can have an access for what they are searching for.
According to Miko, “So over the weekend, I made a Facebook Messenger-based chatbot that acts as a simple search engine tool for people without access to the Internet outside the Free Facebook network. They can perform search queries, after which the bot will reply with a list of results. The grand goal is to prevent spreading of disinformation and combat fake news, which is most prevalent in places with limited access to information in the web.”
However, the bot might be down sometimes due to its free-tier daily Google Search API quota but he’s also making an advocacy campaign which to prevent spreading fake news and disinformation especially to places who have limited access to information in the website. It also aims to be a mediator between the user and Google engine and the set up is quite expensive.
“In that future, this chatbot application will be obsolete. It will no longer be needed. This bot was created to give free, borderless, and open Internet access to anyone. Once we have that, it would have served its purpose.” said by Miko.
InqPOP!/Nicole Ortega
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