The baguette is submitted by France for UNESCO heritage status
France has chosen the baguette as its candidate for UNESCO intangible cultural heritage status, the government said Friday.
France has chosen the baguette as its candidate for UNESCO intangible cultural heritage status, the government said Friday.
Several tips, including some that may surprise you and many linked to common sense, can help us go to bed in the best conditions.
Fans of “Friends” can now sample a “Central Perk” ice cream flavor named after the famous New York buddies’ favorite coffeehouse hangout.
A Thai hospital restaurant has rolled out a weed-inspired menu which has curious customers flocking to sample its euphoria-inducing offerings.
“Veganuary,” a campaign that started in the United Kingdom, is now encouraging people to try a plant-based diet for the first month of the year.
Makati food haunt Hole in the Wall is shutting its doors 6 years after it first delivered a new dining experience to city dwellers.
People in Spain eat out an average of 4.3 times a week according to data published by catering industry specialists Gira.
This ecological movement is known as “freeganism” — a portmanteau of the terms “free” and “veganism” — which involves recovering items in the trash.
A teenage fast food worker is being praised after revealing that she has been paying for some customers’ meals in the past months.