Vets and pet lovers all over the world have been constantly reminding us about the importance of having our pets neutered or spayed. In the case of this English household, 82 dogs were found in the middle of police investigation in the area. The dogs were discovered last April 2017, but this discovery is said to be shown in an episode of the British television show “The Dog Rescuers.”
The couple who are responsible for the dogs started with two pets, but because the of lack of sterilization, the two dogs bred up to 82 dogs over the course of four years. Thankfully, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were called to the property and found the dogs to have “matted coats and fleas, others had burns,” as reported by BBC.
“The house looked like an earthquake had hit it, everything was higgledy piggledy, it was really chaotic and dirty,” said Inspector Herchy Boal. “We called out a vet who said the house was too hazardous and the dogs couldn’t stay there, it was filthy and cramped. They were all hiding; barking and snapping at us.”
“[The dogs] literally started appearing from everywhere,” the inspector said, “We would move the washing machine and suddenly there’d be six faces looking at you. It was incredible where they were able to hide.”
The dogs are now in the care of a charity for dogs for rehoming, with four dogs left to the couple.
For more information about local dog sterilization/neutering and spaying, check out Paws Philippines. InqPOP!/Bea Constantino
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