Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck It Ralph 2 just released their second trailer yesterday and it is more progressive than ever. The sequel brings the main characters Wreck-it Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz into the world of the cyberspace aka the Internet, and aside from encountering the insides of apps like Google, Amazon, and Snapchat, Vanellope meets the popular Disney princesses in her expedition.
As Wreck-it Ralph and Vanellope are taken to the “super intense and really nuts place” that is Disney, Princesses such as Snow White, Queen Elsa, Aurora, Pocahontas, Cinderella and Rapunzel interact with Vanellope. As soon as she is brought to the “restricted area” where the princesses are, Vanellope is threatened to be stabbed by violent Cinderella’s broken glass slippers, and she says “Ladies, I’m a princess too!” to which the princesses ask very self-aware questions:
Rapunzel: Do you have magic hair?
Elsa: Magic hands?
Cinderella: Do animals talk to you?
Snow White: Were you poisoned?
Aurora: Cursed?
Rapunzel and Belle: Kidnapped or enslaved?
Rapunzel: Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?
All: She is a princess!
Now, this is not your common friendly Disney princesses as viewers are introduced to the behind-the-scenes of their so-called perfect lives without all the castles, princes, and whirlwind romance, something that Disney has not really done with the princesses in other films. Vanellope even asks the princesses “are you guys okay? Should I call the police?” something that we would really ask the princesses given their backgrounds and experiences with romance.
It is exciting to see if the movie can bring more character cross-overs, and even perhaps a hilarious and realistic way of looking at the Internet that we know today. Wreck It Ralph 2 comes out in November, and we can’t wait for it to break (or wreck) the internet! InqPOP!/Bea Constantino
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