High School is probably one of the most trying times for many of us growing up. It’s the time when puberty is at an all-time high and where many of us are still trying to figure what we want to do and where we want to go in our lives.

But when that portion of our lives ends, we get a glimpse of the adulting life. For some, adulting is better than the highs and lows of High School. But for others, nothing could beat the angst and drama brought about by our teenage years.
So when the HCHS Batch of ‘82 met up this month, they wanted to go a little EXTRA in reminiscing their good ‘ol high school days — and they did so with a photo shoot in their school uniforms:

According to Facebook user Tess Rubillos, the photoshoot was a part of their 2018 Grand Alumni Homecoming together with Batch ’74. Rubillos comments that it was there that she and her batchmates were able to “reconnect, reunite, and reminisce with their former school teachers in Chemistry, Algebra, Economics, History and P.E.”
Since the photos have been uploaded to the Walwal Facebook page last January 26, a number of netizens couldn’t help but laugh and admire the lengths these batchmates would go through to relive their teenage years. Here’s what some of them had to say about it:
One Facebook user even shared a photo of one of the batchmates walking in her school uniform under an umbrella.
We definitely can’t wait to see what this batch will do on their next reunion! Until then, we hope these guys continue to…