Renowned South Korean actress Ku Hye Sun, famed for her role in the beloved 2009 K-drama ‘Boys Over Flowers,’ is set to graduate summa cum laude at the age of 39. The actress shared her triumphant journey via an Instagram post, shedding light on her educational pursuits and emphasizing the significance of determination regardless of age.
Ku Hye Sun, known internationally for portraying Geum Jan-Di in the Meteor Garden adaptation, disclosed her impending graduation towards the end of 2023. In a captivating Instagram snapshot, the actress donned a cap and gown, playfully referring to herself as ‘Auntie Hye Sun’ amongst her fellow graduates. Captioning the Korean photo, she said, “I will be graduating after the final exams next week… It’s never too late. You are doing so well now.”
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The esteemed actress is set to graduate from the prestigious Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, where she pursued studies in the Department of Film and Television. Ku Hye Sun recently revealed that her graduation ceremony is scheduled for February 23, adding an extra layer of distinction to her academic journey by earning the coveted summa cum laude distinction.
“I will never forget fellow students and the professors of Sungkyunkwan University who helped me achieve small achievements one by one during the time I felt lost,” she shared on social media. Additionally, Hye Sun proudly showcased her final average score—a remarkable 4.27 out of 4.5, securing her position at the pinnacle of her graduating class.
The achievement is a testament to Ku Hye Sun’s commitment to education, defying societal norms surrounding age and success. As the news of her impending graduation circulates, fans and well-wishers flood social media platforms with congratulations for the actress, recognizing her contribution to the entertainment industry and her tenacity in pursuing academic excellence.
Ku Hye Sun’s journey is an inspiration, breaking barriers and proving that one’s educational aspirations need not be confined by age or prior accomplishments. Her upcoming graduation is not merely a personal triumph but a beacon of encouragement for individuals navigating the complexities of career transitions and educational pursuits later in life.
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