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Girl in a jacket

‘No platform is safe anymore’: Pinterest found to be swarming with pedophiles

Disgusting people always find ways to ruin everything for everyone–and now it’s Pinterest!

As every young millennial and Gen Z knows, whenever one is in need of some kind of visual or idea inspiration, Pinterest is always the answer.

Pinterest is everyone’s go-to “idea bank,” where one could find images, concepts, and information under the sun and save these “ideas” into small folders called “pinboards.” From fashion, to interior designs, to wedding boards, to mood boards, recipes, anything; Pinterest has got everything you’d ever think of.

And now, even the most appalling things that humans could ever do and think of, is (sadly and horrifically) also on Pinterest. Grown men are openly creating saving Pinterest boards of underage girls with titles such as “young girls,” “Sexy little girls,” “hot,” “delicious,” and “guilty pleasures.”

Though this information isn’t as shared as much, Dove Clark, a Pinterest content creator, raised concerns over this issue on her Twitter page. The NBC News has also reported on this earlier this month, sharing a story of a young girl whose innocent video of doing a cartwheel has been saved to at least 50 users into their Pinterest boards.

Two American senators have already pushed for Pinterest executives to explain how and why this is happening.

It had also been found out that the young girl’s Pinterest messages had been full of men sending messages like “cute ass” and others, with some of the men uploading pictures of their erect nether regions on their public profiles.

It’s quite shocking to find out that this has been happening on Pinterest, which is considered as a safe space for many of its users. At the same time, however, it doesn’t seem all too surprising, seeing as how the algorithm does change depending on what you’ve most recently searched. As Pinterest “curates” a user’s feed according to their “likes” and search tab, it’s no doubt that that’s how these disgusting adults were able to do such a thing.

Users, especially women, have voiced out their opinions on the matter. Most of their sentiments were on how men invaded their supposed safe space.




Pinterest is one of our last safe spaces. Hopefully, the people behind the social networking site get to put more stringent measures to stop this and prevent future problems like this.

Those children do not deserve to get sexualized, or to receive such gross messages from grown men. Protect the kids, y’all.


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