6 TV shows that were cut down too soon

This year brought a whole bunch of new original and adapted shows and movies. While there are many new things for us to discover and devour, there will always be at least one show that we’ll never forget. You know the one. The show you fell in love with and furiously binged only to find out that it was cancelled just as you fell completely head over heels in love with it. No number of new shoes will make you forget them (we swear, we’re still just talking about shows… pero kung naisip mo rin sila edi… bato bato sa langit!).

There are just some shows that totally captivate you one day and are gone the next (again, yes, we’re still just talking about shows rn). Whether that last episode left you hanging or delivered a somewhat satisfying (though abrupt) goodbye, these are shows and characters we will occasionally catch ourselves thinking about. As we come to the end of the year, this might be a good time as any to look back at some of the shows that did not make it as far as 2022 (and some barely making it to a third season). Here are a few shows that were just gone too soon.

Anne with an E (2017-2019)

Cancelled show 1

Based on the beloved classic Anne of Green Gables book series by Lucy Maud Montgomery, this period series was anything but outdated. Despite the story being more than 100 years old, the series creators took the heart of the original story while adding in tender moments that speak about issues that are definitely still relevant today. Plucky orphan Anne transforms the lives of those around her as she herself is transformed alongside them. The story of Anne was a heartwarming and wholesome one. Sadly, issues between networks CBC and Netflix led to the early end of Anne’s story.

Sense8 (2015-2018)

Cancelled show 2

A powerhouse of a show, Sense8 followed the story of 8 strangers scattered around the world who find themselves suddenly mentally connected to each other and able to experience life as one another. While the show’s concept and execution were incredible, these may have become its downfall – the budget for production was getting too expensive to pull off all the high concept ideas. The show was cut before season 2 could end, and fans simply could not accept this. Fans pushed hard, so hard that producers (in a rare act of grace) relented and delivered a finale lasting more than 2 hours. While the finale tied everything together, fans were still disappointed that the show was cut down before it could reach its full potential.

Pushing Daisies (2007-2009)

This whimsical magical realist show was as charming as a show about death could be. Lee Pace stars as Ned, a baker with the peculiar power of bringing life and death to the things that he touches. The treatment of the show created a fairytale-like environment over the story. Despite the 17 Emmy nominations (and 7 wins) the show garnered, it was still axed. It’s abrupt and hasty cancellation has been attributed to issues caused by the 2007-2008 writers’ strike in Hollywood and inadequate viewership numbers. Because of this, the show was given an unsatisfying set of last few episodes and leaves the audience with more questions than answers.

Hannibal (2013-2015)

This show is based on the Hannibal series of novels by Thomas Harris, the series which also produced Silence of the Lambs. When FBI criminal profiler Will Graham teams up with prodigious psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter, the two are unstoppable. But it seems that Graham’s partner is hiding a deep dark secret. Despite the gripping production, critical acclaim, and the loyalty of fans, viewership numbers were not impressing the higherups and it was eventually cancelled after 3 seasons.

Santa Clarita Diet (2017-2019)

Speaking of loveable cannibals… Here is a lighter take on the whole “eating human flesh” concept — if you could believe it. Zombies are made endearing by Drew Barrymore as she plays Sheila, an average realtor and family woman who suddenly begins to crave human flesh. It’s a big adjustment for everyone, luckily Sheila married such a devoted husband: Joel (Timothy Olyphant). The show was able to perfectly juggle the horror and comedy of the story, and when it was axed in 2019, it just left viewers wanting more — more of Sheila and her family and more answers to all the questions the cancellation left them with!

Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)

Finishing strong with a show we were robbed of, and we’ll never get over. Cult classic Freaks and Geeks had it all. We are left with one treasured season to tell the story of high achiever Lindsay who chooses to rebrand by getting friendly with the school burnouts, and her younger brother entering the world of high school. Each character was flawed but still loveable, and relatable. The storylines had us all laughing and crying when they wanted us to. But the show just didn’t have enough pull for views as it was pitted against the view grabbing game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Adding to this was all the creative differences that executive producer and writer Judd Apatow experienced against the studio heads. Decades later, and we’re still wondering what Lindsay and the rest of the crew would have gotten up to if we were only blessed with at least one more season.

Many new shows might pop up and help us forget our stolen loves, but there are just some shows that still hurt just a little bit to think of and talk about. Here’s to hoping that they might get picked up again in 2023 and come back better than ever – despite years (and even decades) of them being off air. One can dream, right? Which cancelled shows do you miss?

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