Red Velvet launches week-long content leading to their 7th anniversary

The drought is finally over and ReVeluvs everywhere are surprised and emotional because Red Velvet is finally back from their hiatus!

On July 26, 2021 at 12 M.N. KST, Red Velvet launched their promotional pre-comeback project named “Queens Mystic General Store” on their official Instagram account, first posting an “archive video” of their B-Side track “Something Kinda Crazy” which showed the members roaming around in the store. This will be a week-long event from July 26 to August 1 where new content with the members (and other B-side tracks) will be released all leading up to Red Velvet’s anniversary.

The girl group’s social media account layouts have also changed, highlighting a white cat with heterochromia—an element seen in former Red Velvet concepts. 

While their August comeback hasn’t been formally announced, ReVeluvs expressed their love and happiness for Red Velvet’s brand-new era and concept on Twitter and other social media platforms. 

Topics related to the girl group even reached Twitter’s top trending list with ease, especially member Irene who hasn’t been seen for a while due to a controversy that has already been resolved. 

We really can’t wait for Red Velvet’s future releases, just in time for their 7th anniversary! After all, they’ve been in their company’s basement for god knows how long…

Congratulations for surviving Red Velvet’s hiatus, ReVeluvs! It’s time to start supporting our versatile and unique concept queens!


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