This streaming website will pay you to binge-watch true crime documentaries

If there’s one thing that piques the interest of the public, it’s news of murders, homicides, and unresolved mysteries. And we’ve seen this happen in the media countless times, wherein they would devote hours of air time to cover stories like this. But it’s not only news outlets that report on these true crime stories–in fact, filmmakers, production companies, and even streaming sites use these issues to make and produce documentaries.

These in-depth films uncover more facts behind the stories we see on the news and they’re especially insightful and entertaining to true crime fans. Luckily, for these individuals, the video streaming company MagellanTV is planning to pay one person $1000 (approximately 50,435.50 PHP) to binge-watch–for 24 hours straight–a series of their crime documentaries.

According to their website, the chosen candidate must have “a passion for all things true crime.” He or she must also be able to “handle the creepiest serial killer, the grizzliest details, and the haunting spookiness of the paranormal.”

In addition to watching the show, the person must also live-stream his or her reactions while watching these films, so their viewers can see if they “crack” under the stress or not.

Their lineup of films includes Manson’s Missing Victims, Undercover Asia, and Last Confessions of the Cannibal.

Via Giphy

Lastly, the candidate will also receive a one-year membership to MagellanTV and three 3-month subscriptions to share with their loved ones.

For more information on this special job application, visit

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