From custom implants to ‘plastic balls’: ‘I’m a Living Doll’ shows the unusual side of this subculture

In this day and age, it’s no longer surprising to see, hear, and read about stories involving weird obsessions. From television shows like Freaky Eaters to the highly-criticized reality series Bridalplasty, viewers have come to realize that not everyone conforms to society’s standard of “normal”. My Strange Addiction is very much like the shows we previously mentioned–as it features individuals with a different form of addiction per episode.

In the episode entitled “I’m a Living Doll“, the docuseries highlights the bizarre lifestyle of three individuals– namely Justin Jedlica, Emily, and Venus–on their day-to-day activities as “living dolls”.

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In the 46-minute episode, viewers will get a glimpse of the lengths these people will go through to achieve doll-like features. Here are some of the most unusual things we learned from watching the episode.

You can design “body parts” for plastic surgery

Oftentimes, when we hear plastic surgery, we think of pre-designed silicone implants that are carefully designed and provided by plastic surgeons. But in the documentary, living doll Justin chooses to create designs for his own implants.

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In the episode, Justin shared how he had a vision of how he wants his body to look like. This includes creating custom implants and adjusting pre-set measurements for his arms and abdomen. In fact, Justin said he’s “developing a customized muscle enhancement implant line” by “playing around with the shapes to get an idea of the custom implants he wants to have made for his next surgery.”

There are “Plastic Balls” where attendees can get botox on the spot

During the filming of this episode, Justin celebrates his birthday with his close group of friends. In light of this, he brings them to what he calls a “Plastic Ball”–a party dedicated to celebrating “all-things plastic”. At this late-night shindig, Justin approaches a woman who readily administers botox injections to partygoers.

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Who knew non-invasive procedures at parties even existed?

Via Giphy

Tea parties are quite popular in this subculture

In “I’m a Living Doll”, Emily has a hard time dealing with her family’s reaction to her appearance and lifestyle. Not all of them agree with her decision to dress up and wear heavy makeup–in fact, many of her family members find her behavior concerning. However, she tells them doing this is what makes her happy. And to help her through this tough situation with her loved ones, Emily organizes a tea party with girls who also practice the living doll lifestyle.

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According to Emily, these tea parties “go hand-in-hand with dolls;” so as adults, she and her friends “want to keep that tradition alive” by hosting this kind of event.

You can actually create a career around this lifestyle 

The other female living doll featured in this video is YouTuber Venus, who uses her living doll lifestyle as the theme in many of her videos. She and her mom even go to malls to host meet-and-greets with her fans.

In the episode, Venus says that her living doll lifestyle is not one that’s made up–rather it’s her whole being.

“I’m a 24/7 living doll. They are some people who think I only do this for a few hours but this really is what I do all the time,” Venus tells the photographer in the video.

Screengrab from iflix

Right now, Venus has 1.75 million subscribers on the video streaming platform.

Viewers can watch the episode I’m a Living Doll on iflix

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