Here are 8 reasons why it sucks to have your birthday on New Year’s Eve

In just a few hours, we will be welcoming a new year and surely, we all can’t wait to party with our family, witness a dazzling display of fireworks, and indulge in large piles of lumpia! But, for New Year babies, their birthday parties are usually not as fun as the New Year’s Eve revelry.

So, we listed down some things you would only know if you were born on New Year’s Eve.

People are always busy preparing for the New Year’s countdown and a midnight feast

So the next day, you can expect them tired and groggy from partying all night

Also, they need time to recover from their hangovers.

Even if they have sobered up, they still can’t celebrate with you because they’re broke

And for no apparent reason, some people send Birthday messages a day late

Instead of wishing you a Happy Birthday, they always end up greeting you a Happy New Year

It’s also hard to book a place for your birthday because everything is closed

Sadly, you can’t even get wasted on your birthday because you have to work the next day

And just like Christmas babies, you’ll only get one present for the holidays and your birthday

Hey, it’s the thought that counts!

Although you hate having your birthday on New Year’s Eve, it’s still hard to stay bitter about it because of everyone’s positive and hopeful outlook. So, instead of worrying about your birthday celebration, just enjoy the rest of the night and celebrate the future with your family and friends!

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday, fam!


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