If you have plans of doing a marriage proposal at someone’s wedding, DON’T

The most significant occasion in a couple’s life is their wedding. 

It represents their dedication and acts as a public proclamation of their love. It also gives them legal binding, bestowing rights and obligations, and a reason to rejoice with loved ones.

In a now viral post, a Filipino Facebook user shared a story about her attendance at a friend’s wedding. While the recollection of events could not be truly verified, it brings into light the importance of respecting how ceremonies and gatherings are planned beforehand.

In the OP’s story, during the reception, it seems, a member of the groom’s family got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend.

While it certainly would count for a rom-com moment, many attendees frowned at the way the event was hijacked, and even the OP “wasn’t impressed or amused.”

She wrote in her post, “The newly engaged couple were all smiles, the bride was scowling, and the groom didn’t look happy.”

This behavior draws attention to a severe infraction of wedding tradition and underlines how important it is to honor the couple’s special day.

“This guy then proceeded to ask the DJ to play their song so they could dance to it,” the OP added.

While he probably had the best intentions at the time, the groom’s family member ultimately displayed disrespect by taking the attention away from the actual reason for the gathering–the newlyweds.

The post continues to garner thousands of reactions and shares, with many users criticizing the newly engaged couple for their lack of consideration and selfishness.

Weddings are carefully planned celebrations meant to honor the couple’s union, and hijacking that moment for a personal milestone shows a lack of consideration and maturity.

The recently proposed couple should have held off on announcing until after the wedding to avoid interfering with the bride and groom’s special day. Instead, they might have invited the couple to a private celebration of their engagement or conferred with them to make sure their announcement was acceptable and considerate.

According to the OP, it’s evident from their reactions that the recently married couple was not thrilled, even their guests.

Thankfully, the bride’s younger sister and maid of honor came to the rescue, according to OP.

She rushed to the platform, halted the music, accepted the microphone with a smile, and stated, “Thank you, *names of newly-engaged couple*, let’s clear the dance floor and give a round of applause to my beautiful ate [sister] and handsome kuya [brother] whose marriage is the reason why we are all here today!”

To all the couples out there, always remember that you should honor the milestone of another couple without taking away from the primary purpose of the celebration. Do this by selecting a more appropriate moment and demonstrating admiration for the significance of the wedding. Do a flash mob proposal or something like that, but on a different day.


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