Apple lowkey rolls out iOS 12.5.6 update; all is not lost for iPhone 5s and 6 users

Apple recently released a system update, the IOS 12.5.6. The update was brought about by a massive security concern in their previous system, the CVE-2022-032893 that was brought to light by an anonymous researcher. It is basically a critical vulnerability within that system that required immediate patching as it could be a gateway to execute malicious codes on Apple devices. In their recent update, Apple addressed the security concern, fixing an out-of-bounds write issue with improved bounds checking to rectify the issues and user concerns.

The new update was made surprisingly available to iPhone 5 and 6 users, as well as some versions of the iPad mini and iPod touch (6th generation), a refreshing move considering apple’s routine of leaving older models out in the cold during security and software updates. Older models are sometimes rendered almost obsolete due to incompatibilities with latest versions of the iOS.

The newest update is a positive news for owners of older models.


For now, users of older iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad models can breathe a sigh of relief knowing Apple has given them a few more years (hopefully) to enjoy their (still) secure and functional device. This could also be a quiet nod to the fact that there’s still a large number of users who own older models. According to its Developer Page, 11% of its active devices still use iOS 14 or earlier, translating to a large number of users since there are over 1.8 billion active Apple devices in use.

Chris Evans would have loved this system update–if only he still had his iPhone 6. Unfortunately, Chris is no longer part of the iPhone 6 club as he is now using an iPhone 12 pro, although he does miss it and its home button dearly.


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