The amount of dislikes on Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ live action adaptation says a lot about our society

The title says everything already, tbh. 

White supremacy never seems to leave our society’s bloodstream, and quite frankly, it’s too glaring to not even point out. This time, it’s because of the Internet’s obvious dislike and aversion to Disney’s live action adaptation of one of their classic Disney movies, “The Little Mermaid”. 

This apparent disapproval of the live action adaptation of Disney’s beloved 1989 animated film is once again, due to the casting of American singer Halle Bailey (not Halle BERRY) to play the role of the 16-year-old red-haired and headstrong daughter of King Triton, Ariel. As the readers may already know, Halle Bailey isn’t your quintessential Disney live-action adaptation pick, because unlike Lily James (Cinderella) and Emma Watson (Belle), Halle Bailey is a woman of color. 


Something that seems to be a problem with the fans who were initially looking forward to the upcoming 2023 movie. 

After the release of the movie’s first-ever trailer which featured a segment of Bailey singing “A Part of Your World” in the underwater cave full of Ariel’s treasures, the Internet lost it and was ultimately divided between the ones that were angry about it,

And the ones that we’re absolutely moved by the representation of Halle Bailey’s casting as a live-action Disney Princess.

@melzzz1231 #greenscreenvideo Halle Bailey is the new Ariel in The Little Mermaid coming out May 26, 2023 #thelittlemermaid #hallebailey #blackariel #kidsmovies #disneyprincess #letpeoplebehappy #sloth #stuffedanimals ♬ original sound – Melanie Nicole

Oh and look, some Filipinos were apparently also “triggered” by the “wrongful” casting of Ariel as a person of color that someone had to really point out that Filipinos are racist to a T too.

And for those thinking that they cast Ariel wrong because she’s supposed to be “European”? Dude. One of the videos or Tweets said it best but she’s quite literally, a fish. Mermaids don’t have races, they’re folkloric beings.

There’s literally nothing to be mad about from Halle Bailey’s casting as Ariel. In fact, the director of the film even said that Halle “possessed all of the intrinsic qualities necessary to play this iconic role”. Halle Bailey was also praised by the “original” Ariel, Jodi Benson, who called her performance “amazing” and even defended her back in 2019 when Bailey was being criticized for being casted as Ariel.

You know, the disapproval over the live-action adaptation would’ve been valid if the argument went as, “The remake looks bad”, because that’s directed to the whole thing and not just to the casting of a Black actress.

But no, almost every argument stating that “Ariel isn’t supposed to be Black” or anything along those lines just says that racism and white supremacy really runs deep in one’s thinking.

And if you think the same way, then just admit you’re a racist and call it a day.

Ariel is a fish and could be played by any race, and if you can’t accept that well, okay then…got it, racist.

Image by: Nysa Sta. Maria

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