One more dose of Dolomite for our mental health, please

Do you suddenly feel so much better for no apparent reason? Is the world actually healing? Is everything coming together just for this moment? 

No – it’s actually not. But don’t fret! The Philippine government recently added one more heaping mass of dolomite for the Dolomite Beach in by Manila Bay. This beach is said to have been funded by the government to help alleviate the worries, concerns, and most importantly, improve the mental health of its people. 

Haha sike. 

It’s quite ridiculous for the government to think that this so-called white beach in Manila Bay would help their people’s mental health amidst the ongoing pandemic. To start off, the money spent to create the “beach” could’ve been used to procure more medical supplies, sealed in vaccine deals, or used for other necessities for a public health crisis. 

What better timing to create an artificial beach than during a pandemic that’s claimed more than 15,000 lives, and has choked up our healthcare system, right?

A lot of environmental experts were also against the idea since it would not make the water quality of the Manila Bay any better, and it would be even more expensive to maintain. This (honestly) begs the question, should Dolomite Beach even a priority in our current situation? 

Obviously not, and if they continue thinking that this beach would help everyone’s mental health, then they’re absolutely out of touch with the public’s distress and troubles. For one, living in the country with the “world’s longest lockdown” isn’t really helpful in trying to survive the pandemic.

Since the Dolomite Beach isn’t really doing its “main” purpose, here are few things you can do to help yourself in these trying times: 

Let yourself take a step back and rest. 

Stepping back from work or from the internet might seem unproductive, but it’s still a way of being productive! You can’t seriously work while you’re slowly burning out, right? Remember, rest is also productive, and nobody can work properly without proper rest and care. 

Stay hydrated and eat right. 

You might forget to eat on time or to drink a glass of water. Don’t forget to listen to what your body needs, alright? 

Express your feelings and emotions. 

You may be feeling a bit more vulnerable at a time like this, so it’s important to have an outlet for you to release your pent-up emotions. You can release your energy through your creativity, like keeping a journal, or doing crochet (if you’re into that). 

Talk to the people you trust and love. 

Have a support system that will motivate you to become better. That way, your mental health would always be in a good headspace. Having people that never fail to inspire you is an indicator that you’re doing okay, even when you don’t feel it. 

For a comprehensive list of Mental Health Resources you can look into Silakbo. 



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