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Girl in a jacket

Kyle Echarri’s crop top style sparks discussion on gender bias and double standards

Kyle Echarri has been talked about lately because of his departure from conventional stereotypes regarding men’s clothing style. In some of his posts, he is seen wearing crop tops, typically associated with feminine fashion, hence the praise for Echarri for his “self-assured masculinity.” Some social media users also gave positive remarks about this new style, as seeing men in clothing traditionally associated with women is uncommon in Filipino culture due to conservative perceptions.

However, despite the overflowing positive comments, there is an issue that some social media users are pointing out that seems to be forgotten, and that is the selective glorification when it comes to cis men (someone who identifies themselves that corresponds to the sex they are born with). In this tweet by a social media user from X (formerly known as Twitter) the user is responding to another post praising Kyle Echarri and questioning why men are being praised for something that the queers are being discriminated with.

The user stated that gay men are often seen wearing crop tops, but due to homophobia and conservative mindsets, they are questioned for their flamboyant characteristics. In contrast, when a straight man does the same thing, he is praised for not worrying about disrespecting his masculinity.

double standards main post
via X

Other social media users under this post agrees to the sentiment of the poster saying, “When a str8 [straight] cisman does it apparently now it’s brave 💀 filipinos are always hypocrites.”

They are calling out everyone to stop the double-standard ideology between the gays and cis men.

double standards comments

comments on Kyle echarri

Although the post might seem negative, it is not hating on Kyle Echarri. Instead, it directly criticizes the existence of hypocritical attitudes when something is done by the LGBTQ+ community.

Is this a call to start evaluating whether we have double standards or not?


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