US-based company sells ‘sexy and subtle’ items perfect for your next virtual date

Today’s tech-savvy generation has helped online dating to be socially acceptable—and it’s happening even before the COVID-19 pandemic took over the world. This trying time has prompted new challenges for dating app users since everyone is quarantined and physical meetups aren’t allowed. But meeting someone virtually is possible.

Everyone wants to make a good impression on their first meetup. Thanks to a company based in the United States, Sportarly invented an effective way to “look good for your next virtual date”.

Aside from sports products, gear, and equipment, the company also offers items called “Virtual Date Breast Enlargements” and “Virtual Date Muscle suits” that are intended to enhance your body assets while live streaming with your date.

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According to the product’s description, the Muscle Suit gives you perfect biceps and abs.

“The padded shirt offers that subtle, sexy, and seriously shredded look that many of us dream of. Order now and watch your socially distant partners jaw hit the floor on your next virtual date.”

The male suit offers one size only (12.5 × 8.5 × 2.5 in) and it costs $36.06 (Php 1,800).

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For females who want fuller breasts, they can use breast enlargements as an attention grabber, which according to its description “integrate[s] perfectly with your digital date set up. Order now and watch your socially distant partners jaw hit the floor on your next virtual date.”

The price of breast enhancers ranges from $46.74 – $66.63 (Php 2,300 to 3,300), it varies from cup sizes 34D to 38F.


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Buyers, who have first-hand experience using both items, described them as “perfect” and fantastic.” Just don’t forget to wear them under your clothes for better results!

For those who want to order online, you can shop here.

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