Attention plant lovers: A succulent plant with ‘see-through’ leaves exists

Welcome to the 21st century where people treat their plants (particularly, succulents) as human equals—and yep, we understand why. Aside from the fact that you’ll never hear them complain about your poor life choices, these drought-resistant plants are actually pretty easy to care for.

Because of their low-maintenance nature, more and more people are participating in what the internet dubbed as “modern-day succulent craze.”

Image from: Angele Kamp / Unsplash

If you’re a plant lover or collector, how would you feel if we told you that a “clear succulent” really exists? Introducing, Haworthia cooperi, a small succulent with see-through leaves!

In an article published on the Green and Vibrant‘s website, this slowly-growing succulent plant (which is native to the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa) has “densely packed fleshy blue-green leaves which form a rosette shape.” And just like any typical succulents, this one only needs enough amount of sunlight and water to survive and grow up to 5cm tall.

On an Instagram page called “chonkysucc,” a succulent-enthusiast from Toronto, Canada, gladly shares her collection of cooperis—and here are some of them.

Image by: chonkysucc
Image by: chonkysucc
Image by: chonkysucc
Image by: chonkysucc

This is going to be an awesome addition to your growing succulent garden!


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