‘Literature for lost souls’: 5 Must-read books for people trying to find meaning in their lives

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When we were younger, we wanted to be adults so bad that we pretended to be one. We wore our parents’ clothes, took a sip of their coffee, and even played “house” in an attempt to understand what it’s like to be grown up. We never once thought that life can go by so fast and in just a snap,  we’re these cynical adults ranting about our existence.

As we’ve gotten older, the realities of the world have become much clearer. It’s only now that we realize that the Earth isn’t the friendliest place to live in and that things don’t always go as planned. A lot of these different factors can lower our expectations and can sometimes force us to forget our dreams and be more “realistic.” 

This is the sad truth about “Adulting.”

Via Giphy

Even though the world can really get complicated as we age, it doesn’t mean we have to give in to its negativity. To help you get through this, we’ve listed down 5 books you might like to read when you want to see the good in this dog-eat-dog world. 

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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If we can only discern the world in a child’s perspective, then we might even get to see a living unicorn, a rainbow slide, and a pond of chocolate with fish biscuits inside the universe we’re in.  Because children have an admirable way of seeing the world, they are optimistic and full of hope. 

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery reminds readers to go back to their child-like selves in times of despair and try to look for the beauty in every situation. 

Buy a copy of the book here!


Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

Photo Credit: Goodreads

Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie” is a memoir of his college professor Morrie Schwartz. It narrates Albom’s visits at Morrie’s study, every Tuesday, during the numbered months of the educator’s life.

This novel shows us the beauty of looking at life in a different light, especially during the grittier moments of a person’s existence. 

Buy a copy of the book here!


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Photo Credit: Goodreads

Oftentimes when we become adults, we are expected to make “wise” and “practical” decisions. And as a consequence, we forget to listen to our hearts and resort to mediocrity. 

“The Alchemist” tells the story of a young boy’s journey in chasing down his dream. Through this narrative, Paulo Coelho reminds readers of the sentiment that everyone has a purpose in life.

It also makes us realize that life’s real treasure isn’t always material and that when we dream, it is okay to be imaginative–because aspirations don’t materialize until the person decides to put an effort to make it possible. 

Buy a copy of the book here!


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Photo Credit: Goodreads

This narrative by Benjamin Alire Saez tells the story of two young boys, Aristotle and Dante, and how their friendship led into their discovery of truths about themselves. This tale made them realize the people they want to become. 

Get a copy of the book here!


Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Photo Credit: Goodreads

The narrative is a historical fiction that is set in 1099 Jerusalem during the citizens’ preparation for an assailant’s attack. 

In life, we tend to worry a lot about the things that are out of our control–we expect life to go smoothly all the time. This book by Paulo Coelho will make us realize that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves and instead, we should focus on the present and trust the process. 

Get a copy of the book here!


The world can get really tough as we age but remember,  if children can have ice cream to make the gloomy days bright, you’ve got good books and coffee to keep you company! FM

InqPOP! Creator Community/ Mav Maniulit


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