Canadian fitness instructor drinks urine to stay in shape and remedy his chronic pain

Almost everyone can agree that ‘losing weight’ is on their list of New Year’s resolutions this 2019. Whether it’d be through proper diet or exercise, many of us would like to shed off a few pounds in these coming months. Though there are many healthy diet plans and workout regimens that can suit one’s preference and pace, there are some people who choose to undergo extreme methods to lose that extra weight.

Case in point, this Canadian fitness instructor and former Mr. Universe contestant reportedly drank his own urine, for a week, to stay in shape and remedy his chronic pain.

Photo Credit: Daily Mail

John DePass is a 46-year old weight loss coach who advocates the importance of incorporating fitness into one’s everyday routine. Known for his ‘fruitarian’ (one whose diet consists of fruits) lifestyle, DePass says he’s been “experimenting with urine in the past two years” and that “it has grown considerably in his life over the last six months”.

Additionally, the fitness instructor says that drinking urine has many health benefits.

DePass tells the Daily Mail, “We can benefit from the antibodies that are present within it. It can help your immune system, digestion, provide amino acids, vitamins, minerals. It’s filled with high-quality nutrients for our body.”

Via Pixabay

This “urine diet” is what DePass calls “unfooding” and it requires abstaining from eating regular food from Monday to Friday. But on the weekends, DePass indulges himself in meals with meat and vegetables.

However, when he feels the need to eat during the 5-day diet period, he advises drinking fresh fruit juice.

“I use a raw fruit juice including apple, a beetroot, some carrots, celery – but that’s once a day, then I try to stay empty for 23 hours again,” DePass explains.

Photo Credit: Daily Mail

Since he adopted this eating habit, DePass says he can maintain his weight around at 130 to 150 lbs.

“Now, in my fruitarian and unfooding lifestyle, if I go five days without food or water I can be as low as 130lbs. [And] Then if I re-hydrate and eat at the weekends, I could be up to around 150lbs.”

But even if this specific method works for him, DePass doesn’t encourage everyone to try it.

“I don’t tell people when they come in [the gym] that they need to drink their urine or stop eating food. That’s not how I start people. I start by getting them to track their food, make them accountable to me. Then if we aren’t getting the results we want, we [will] introduce one idea.”

Whether you agree or disagree with DePass’s methods, we urge you to consult your doctor prior to trying out any unusual diet plans or exercise regimens.



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