So here’s the thing: you’re a maid in a first-class Manhattan hotel and by a twist of fate, a guy, who happens to be an heir to a political dynasty, falls head over heels in love with you.
Sounds like a fairytale, right?

But in reality, love is not always what we see in the movies.
We don’t read off scripts and life doesn’t always go as planned. Yes, we love everything about this person, we see the best parts in them and sometimes, (don’t ever deny it!) we depend on them just to be happy.
But not all relationships work out in the end. It’s either the timing is off or your significant other isn’t ready yet — whatever the reason is, you two have to let go.
Getting over a breakup is always hard to deal with, but this young woman named Katie “revolutionized” the breaking-up game. Rather than feeling downtrodden or worthless, she came up with a genius approach to improve her dating experience: an exit survey form.
Katie’s friend, Abby, shared the survey form on Twitter with the following questions:
“What is wrong with you?”, “Would you like to remain on the mailing list in case Katie revisits your application or another opportunity opens up?” and “Would you refer Katie to a friend? If so, please list numbers here.”
And the reactions are funny.
A Twitter user thinks dating should have a “structure”:
This is a work of genius.
Finally dating has the structure and administrative bureaucracy it has always needed.
— Parsnips (@Paharsons) October 1, 2018
You know, relevant data creates strong and better strategies:
And dating should also have its own KPI (Katie’s Performance Indicator):
It’s all about the KPIs
— Darren (@smithsfan68) October 1, 2018
KPIs = Katie’s Performance Indicators
— Martin Burch (@seecmb) October 3, 2018
Now people also want to start doing their own exit surveys:
I should start doing this
— Tori 🌊 (@torrrii_xoxo) October 1, 2018
Post-relationship feedback?
We should all do this.
— Seamus Ryan (@meanderingtripe) October 4, 2018
An EXit survey form… that’s brilliant.
Read more from InqPOP!:
Guy pens breakup letter for gym after they refused to let him quit by phone
Pinoy graphic designer achieves closure with celebrity crushes through funny Facebook ‘letter’
A letter to the person who chose to leave
Introducing Mend, the app that helps you through breakups