AI companies are looking for authors to improve their AI-generated ‘creative writing’

Lately, most people are depending on generative AI to do their literary works in order to overcome writer’s block and generate new ideas. However, even the biggest AI companies in Silicon Valley are having a hard time figuring out how to deliver compelling and logical results for their users. Because of this, training data giants such as Scale AI and Appen are actively pursuing and hiring poets, novelists, playwrights, or writers with a Ph.D. or master’s degree to contribute to the editorial capabilities of their software.

As much as it is upsetting to know how writers are trapped and used as puppets in this job, this may be the new reality of producing quality outputs in an instant. Poets are now assigned to compose pieces based on a given topic and send them straight to AI models for advancement, then provide feedback on the current AI-generated text afterwards.

According to a spokesperson for Scale AI, even though AI is seemingly taking over the world of creative writing, it will still involve humans in its continuous growth. “Our work has and always will include humans in the loop as it’s critical for developing responsible, safe, and accurate AI.”

On the other hand, companies are also looking specifically for poets and fiction writers who have a specialization in Hindi or Japanese. In this way, they would be able to enhance the skills of their AI models in languages other than English.

Whether or not these strategies will work for the AI companies, maybe all they care about at the moment is the importance of owning full rights to their future-generated content and hiring as many creative writers as they can so they will not end up sued for copyright infringement by a lot of authors.

As some experts say, training an AI tool is easy, but they also believe they were only created to imitate human writing, not innovate it.

“They are trained to reproduce. They are not designed to be great, they try to be as close as possible to what exists,” Fabricio Goes, informatics teacher at the University of Leicester, told Rest of World, offering the view of most AI researchers. “So, by design, many people argue that those systems are not creative.”


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