Meet Lechonk, the new Pokémon everyone has been talking about

The newly released second trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gave us a glimpse of some new features like hot professors, multiplayer mode, and a bunch of new Pokémon. But who cares about all that? Have y’all seen Lechonk?

lechonk, pokemon
Image via the official website of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Lechonk is this new hog Pokémon that was featured in the trailer for only a few moments. Despite his short cameo, the internet immediately fell in love with this little round piggy. Lechonk is described as a timid but strong Pokemon on the official Scarlet and Violet website.

There’s also this funny description about its appearance: “It may appear fat at first glance, but in reality, the Pokémon’s body is mostly muscle built by constantly walking around in search of food.” I didn’t know muscles could be perfectly spherical, but that’s Lechonk for you.

We assume that combining the words “Lechon” and “chonk” is intentional here. Of course, we know “Lechon” as a whole roasted pig, a delicious delicacy here in the Philippines that originated from Spain. On the other hand, “chonk” is this internet slang that refers to a person or animal that is heavy or overweight. Lechon + Chonk = LECHONK. It’s super cute and charming.

Let’s check out what people had to say about this chonky boi.

When people first discovered Lechonk’s name, people on the internet kinda went crazy. This little tweet got 200k likes just from a mention of the Pokémon’s name.

Pokémon devs, please give Lechonk a little ball to travel on.

A Filipino artist made a delicious LECHONk artwork.

The name is perfect.


There has been no news on Lechonk’s evolution just yet, so artists took it upon themselves to imagine what it’d look like. Check out their Lechonk evolution theories:

A super buff Champork seems reasonable.

This evolution still somehow looks adorable.

A fire type? Yummy.

Lechungus? Dear god no.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is set to release this November 2022. Get ready for more Lechonk news once the release date gets closer!


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