15 pick-me-up quotes to gear yourself up for the second half of the year

Time flies pretty fast when you’re having fun (although it continues to fly even though you aren’t). Blink and half of the year goes by… On to the next one.

Here are 15 quotes to help you face the uncertainty the next half of the year brings with it and pass through it with flying colors. Fill your journal and/or planners with these words of inspiration. They may seem corny (especially the format of some) but the statements still hold a lot of wisdom and might just be exactly what you need to hear. 

With excerpts from ‘The Little Prince’, ‘Anne with an E’, ‘Haikyu!!’, along with inspiring pieces from the likes of Aristotle and Muhammad Ali, hopefully you’ll be able to connect to at least one from the list.

First and foremost, congratulations! You made it through the first half, don’t forget all the things you’ve learned and felt. Before you tackle tomorrow, be thankful for yesterday.

Quote from Nicole Addison
Quote from Walt Whitman
From ‘The Little Prince’

Remember to stay consistent. Take all the good habits you developed and nourished earlier this year and try to keep ‘em going through the rest!

Quote from Aristotle
From ‘Haikyu!!’

Maybe you made some mistakes in the first half, but every day presents you with a new opportunity to be and do better.

From ‘Anne with an E’
Quote from Muhammad Ali
From Meet the Robinsons

Everyone grows at their own pace and that’s okay, remember that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Take your time and you do you.

Quote from TheCottageFairy
Quote from Paulo Coelho
Quote from Rosalynn Carter

The rest of the year is still shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, but it’s coming nonetheless… might as well try to enjoy the ride.

Quote from Henri J.M. Nouven
Quote from Confucius
Quote from Elizabeth Gilbert
From ‘Jane Eyre’

The first half of the year may have taken a lot out of you, but congratulations, you made it! Let these words help motivate you through the next half. Good luck, you’re going to do great.


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