Star-crossed lovers vow to never do surprises after failed out-of-country surprise

Like something out of a Wattpad story, a couple from London completely missed each other at the airport when they flew to separate destinations in an attempt to surprise the other.

Salma Saade recently took to Twitter to commemorate a memorable moment from her relationship. Four years ago on a trip to Paris, she decided to return home early to surprise her boyfriend. What she didn’t know at the time was that her boyfriend had planned on flying out to do the exact same thing. Just when you thought something like this could only ever happen in movies.

Saade’s hilarious story caught attention on the platform, with 1.1 million likes on her tweet. The couple’s romantic gesture prompted other Twitter users to reply with their reactions. Seems like some of them have been feeling lonely.

(That tweet answered by this:)

According to a previous tweet on Saade’s profile, the couple have been dating for four years.


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