Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s ‘I Want It That Way’ scene recreated Animal Crossing-style

Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans will remember one of the show’s most famous cold opens where detective Jake Peralta makes a police lineup sing Backstreet Boys’ I Want It That Way.

I Want It That Way | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Now this particular scene was reenacted by Animal Crossing: New Horizons characters using the same audio, after Reddit user Pahoyhoy recreated it in the popular Nintendo Switch game, and it’s the cutest fan art of the show we ever came across.

In the clip, Raymond plays Peralta, while one of the villagers, Pashmina, plays the sister of the victim and a sort of witness to the violent crime. Marshall the squirrel plays the murderer and the last of the lineup to sing the BSB classic.

A police lineup doesn’t look as grim and as daunting when you see it played by cute animals, TBH.


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