From ‘brick bread’ to ‘sad bunny cookies’: Twitter users share their ‘bake fails’ while in quarantine

While our frontliners strive to win this fight against the new coronavirus, our duty is to stay home and practice social distancing. With that said, more people are coming up with out-of-the-box ideas just to break the monotony of quarantine life—whether it’s participating in online fads or learning a new hobby.

Speaking of which, Libyan-American writer Hend Amry decided to take the isolation period as an opportunity to brush up her baking skills. However, the result can be identified as an accurate example of “expectations vs. reality.”

Amry took to Twitter to express her frustration over a failed banana bread baking attempt. She even called it “the world’s most failed banana bread” because it looks like “wet play dough but banana flavored.” (Her words are too graphic, we can already imagine how it tastes and looks like without even seeing it in real life.)

So for your reference, we have a side-by-side picture of what Amry was aiming for versus the actual outcome.

It looks rather chewy, right? 

After the tweet was posted, which racked up 1,300 retweets and 24,000 likes, Twitter users also shared pictures of their failed pastry recipes—and seriously though, their experiences are quite entertaining.

Like this “most-failed” normal bread

Or these sad cookies

And this easter cookie that looks like a sacrificial circle

Is this a brick or a bread? We will never know

Lastly, this cake that requires you to dig dipper to see the actual cake

Upon seeing other people’s failed attempts, Amry replied with “Thank you for this. Misery truly does love company.”


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