One amazing thing about us, humans, is our ability to continuously evolve. It is through the experiences we’ve gained over the past few years that we’re able to change aspects of ourselves to make us more unique and different. And as we ring in the New Year, it is another opportunity for us to reevaluate our lives and become better versions of ourselves.
To help you through this brand-new chapter of your life, we’ve rounded up five simple yet life-changing ways to help you redefine yourselves in 2020.
Experiment with a new hairstyle or look

One great thing about the new year is that it’s a chance for you to try something new with your personal style aesthetic. Whether that’d be dying your hair an unconventional color or choosing to dress in more neutral tones, it’s good to change it up sometimes to avoid being “typical.”
Unfriend those toxic people in your lives
Many times the people holding us back from reaching our full potential are our haters disguised as family and friends. This 2020, it’s time you give yourselves a break from these toxic individuals and pursue what makes you happy. And the first step in doing this is by distancing yourselves from these “naysayers” by letting them go in both the physical world and the online one.
In doing this, you’re not only freeing yourselves from the negativity but you’re also allowing yourselves to grow as a more mature and responsible person.
Try at least one or two new things this year
If you’ve ever gotten bored or lost motivation in any one of your hobbies or sports, then this new year might be the perfect time for you to try something new. Whether that’d playing basketball or ice sculpting, it’s always good to get out of your comfort zones and do something you’ve never done before. And who knows, you might even end up finding your real passion in life.
Learn to smile more
You’ll learn as you get older that smiling can actually help lighten up the mood in many situations. For one, it allows you to get a better look at the brighter side of things, especially when things get rough. And second, it gives you the opportunity to spread positivity to those around you.
You may even find yourself to be better looking with a smile on your face rather than a frown. 😉
Here’s to hoping 2020 allows us to become better versions of ourselves. Happy New Year, fam!
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