Although there have been many questions about their existence, unicorns have already existed in popular culture for centuries. And because we have always loved this mythical creature, they have become culturally associated with innocence, strength, feminine energy, rainbows, and magic.

But recently, a team of rescuers saw a “different type of unicorn” while they were outside in the extreme cold. According to Mac’s Mission, a non-profit and a Missouri state-licensed dog rescue, the puppy has a short little tail growing out from its forehead. Since it’s the team’s first time to witness such rare appearance, they decided to name it Narwhal, “the little magical furry unicorn.”
The Facebook post, which has been shared 1.6K times, was able to raise $1,230 USD (Php62564)—enough for the rescuers to take the poor little pup to the vet and get his face tail checked out.
As the post reached thousands of people, the million-dollar question now is whether Narwhal’s extra tail wags. One of the page’s admins confirmed that: “The tail is not connected to anything and has no use other than making him the coolest puppy ever!”

While everyone gushed all over Narwhal, the team clarified that he is not yet available for adoption, as they still want him to grow a bit more and make sure that the tail will not be a huge problem.
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