18-year-old boy fell from a bridge after attempting to take the ‘perfect’ selfie

Today’s youth has been dubbed as the selfie generation. In 2018 alone, millions of selfies were taken and their every like and share matters. In order to gain thousands of engagements, netizens are taking extreme measures to elevate their selfie-taking game.

Some selfies captured the risky moments these individuals put themselves in because these millennials believe that the more extreme their selfies are, the more ‘viral’ their images will become. And an 18-year-old teen, Tristan Bailey, from Dallas, Texas, learned this the hard way when he was severely injured after falling from a 50-foot bridge in an attempt to take a great selfie.

Photo Credit: The Kansas City Star

Bailey and his friends climbed up the 50-foot Margaret Mcdermott Bridge to take a selfie. But during their climb, Bailey slipped and plummeted down the road, causing him multiple bone fractures and a punctured lung. 

Photo Credit: LADBible

The good thing is the victim did not become paraplegic following the tragic accident.

“It’s amazing that he didn’t snap his neck. It’s amazing that he’s not a paraplegic – or broke his neck.”  Methodist Health System Chief of Trauma, Dr. J Darryl Amos tells LADBible. “It’s truly miraculous.” 

After seeing the news online, some netizens were quick to share their opinions.

Via Twitter.com/ Daniel Adam Thomas
Via Twitter.com/ Julie O’ Bannon

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the authorities warned that there’s no picture worth the risk of losing your life. /FM

InqPOP! Creator Community/ John Marwin Elao


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