Ever since Child’s Play released in 1988, viewers have been clamoring for more evil doll films. So when The Conjuring first introduced the world to the horrific-looking Annabelle, horror fans were ecstatic to see yet another demonic toy come to life on the big screen.

With the popularity of these films, it makes sense for parents to dress their children up as Chucky or Annabelle for Halloween. But when your child has a dentist appointment during Trick-or-Treat season, having your kid sit in a chair whilst in costume can be insanely funny. Just check out the photos of this boy dressed as Annabelle the doll:

According to this Facebook post, the mom was in a hurry to get her son to his dentist appointment — which meant she didn’t have time to dress him in regular clothes. And they went to the dentist looking like they came out from a horror film.
With the boy’s somewhat disappointed look during his check-up, the dentist couldn’t stop himself from laughing… and neither can people of the internet!
Since the photos were posted on Facebook, the shares and likes have spiked to 4,100 reactions and over 3,000 shares.

We thank this mom and child duo for giving us yet another reason to laugh today and here’s to hoping the kid gets to dress up as Chucky next Halloween! Or maybe like mini-Freddy Krueger–the possibilities (and LOLs) are endless!