College in Davao responds to false thesis grade claim in Juris Doctor program, confirms individual is not enrolled

Someone suspiciously received a high grade for their thesis in the Juris Doctor Program at St. Mary’s College of Tagum. This is despite the fact that the program is non-thesis.

The Juris Doctor Department of the college disproved a social media post made by a person who claimed to be attending the institution, when in fact, she is not enrolled in the program.

In a statement released by the department’s student council Facebook page, they wrote, “Recently, the Juris Doctor Department of St. Mary’s College of Tagum Inc. received information regarding a social media post authored by an individual identified as ‘Miecha Angeli M. Bisnar’ purporting to possess an approved thesis with a grade of 1.05 from our institution. It is imperative to clarify to the public that St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc. exclusively provides a Juris Doctor Non-Thesis Program, thereby rendering the asserted approval sheet as a fraudulent instrument. Further, the abovementioned individual is not enrolled under the Juris Doctor Program of this institution.”

SMCTI Juris Doctor Department - Supreme Student Council
Photo Credit: SMCTI Juris Doctor Department – Supreme Student Council

“We wish to officially convey that legal measures are being prepared to address the defamatory actions and misrepresentation propagated by the parties responsible for this deceptive publication. The college remains steadfast in upholding the veracity and authenticity of academic achievements and qualifications conferred upon our students, thereby repudiating any misrepresentation that threatens the integrity of our educational programs,” their statement continued.

Their statement ended ensuring everyone that they are taking necessary actions needed and wrote, “Our commitment to preserve the sanctity of educational credentials and uphold the standards of academic excellence resonates in our resolve to address any malicious claims and spurious representations that may undermine the credibility of our institution. We wholeheartedly affirm our dedication to observing due diligence in safeguarding the reputation and qualifications associated with the Juris Doctor Program at St. Mary’s College of Tagum, fortified by the tenets of legal rectitude and ethical conduct.”

Facebook users took to the comments to share their thoughts about the said issue.

It seems that some have yet to learn from past issues. This case bears a striking resemblance to the situation involving Kathleen Joy Poblete, who falsely claimed to have graduated summa cum laude from the Political Science Program at UP Manila.

While it is okay to share our achievements online, propagating false claims is a dangerous act as it can blur out the truth. Let this be a reminder to be vigilant and make counter checks to ensure that the claims that are being stated are indeed true.

As of this writing, Bisnar hasn’t aired her side of the story yet.


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