‘What’s the secret?’ Filipino Dietitian analyzes the weight loss journey of Viy Cortez

A Filipino Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian and Youtuber named Jo Sebastian recently posted a video analyzing the postpartum weight loss journey of vlogger Viy Cortez.

It can be remembered that the vlogger posted her weight loss story on Facebook last September 26, wherein she went from 94 kilos to now weighing just around 60 kilos, losing about 34 kilos supposedly through a change in her regimen. The said post has since been deleted from her page. In the said post, she claimed that she stopped eating rice, reduced “bad” food intake, and consumed slimming coffee. Cortez also clarified that she did not undergo liposuction, which many have accused of her doing.

Sebastian’s video was not intended to call out Viy Cortez but rather to inform other people about “diet” and “weight loss,” relating the vlogger’s experience.

She first highlighted the societal pressure to lose weight after giving birth. “We really have to get rid of this idea that people who give birth should look like they never gave birth the day after,” she said in the video.

The first notion mentioned by Cortez has been debunked in the video as Sebastian said, “You don’t need to remove rice in order for you to lose weight.”

By removing the intake of rice, you create what is called a calorie deficit. This is the science in which weight loss works so the calories you take through food is a way to measure your energy. By eating more calories than what your body needs, you gain stored energy in the form of fat. If you eat fewer calories, then it will tap into the stored energy and use that.

The dietitian then reminded viewers to be mindful of the words they use around food as this may affect one’s mindset. By calling food “bad” you are giving it power and by associating it as bad food, you can go in a shame spiral.

She went on to say that the focus must be on your relationship with food. The uncontrollable feeling around food usually comes from restrictive diets which is what the vlogger is doing.

She then explained that the mentioned slimming coffee that Cortez is not the main reason why she burned fat. Although it has contents that “help fats to be mobilized,” it still needs to be paired with “calorie deficit” and proper “exercise.”

The secrets to a healthy weight loss journey, according to the RND, are sticking to healthy eating habits, exercising, and having a “good relationship” with food.

Viewers then took to the comment section to thank the dietitian for highlighting healthy habits, and for trying to set the facts straight to put checks and balances to claims especially made by people with a huge following.

via YouTube

Sebastian then ended the video by commending the vlogger for telling everyone that the coffee was not the reason why she lost weight.


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