British ‘royal dolls’ seem to top peoples’ sexual fantasies, according to adult toy company

Not to yuck anyone’s yum out here but having someone create a sex toy likened after you is very uncomfortable to think about.

Inferno Dolls, a leading adult toy company, revealed that among all of their celebrity sex doll requests, Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle top all of it. Inferno Dolls’ CEO Ben Stroud however, says that “taste” and “decency” stops the company from carrying out these requests.

A self-confessed royalist himself, the CEO said in an interview that they “get requests for Princess Diana regularly, especially after the latest series of ‘The Crown’,” and that he’d never allow his company to diminish or “cheapen” her memory.

“…If we were just motivated by money,” he also said. “we would create Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton dolls and see through sales who is the most popular, but at heart, I am a royalist.”

At the same time, Stroud also revealed that the company also gets numerous requests for British hunk and “The Dark Knight Rises” actor Tom Hardy—from both men and women around the world. He also said that while Inferno Dolls hasn’t created a replica of Hardy (yet), he hopes that he’d be “on board” with the idea of making one.

Upon posting of the original article by the New York Post, people on the Internet had quite the variety of responses to the headline itself. Which to be honest, is quite degrading.

Disrespecting women always seem to be in the to do lists of different people, and women seriously can’t catch a break from it. While we’re all out here trying to be open and accepting of one’s preferences (sexual or not), this kind of depravity shouldn’t even be entertained by anyone.

How would you feel if a life-sized replica of yours was used for someone’s sexual fantasies? Obviously, if you didn’t consent to it, it would be like you were violated, degraded, or even stripped of your dignity as a person.

Finding (sexual) pleasure in things is fine, but to involve someone’s likeness into the picture is definitely not okay.


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