Reddit weighs in on whether couples should be on the same page for family plans

A recent post on the r/phinvest subreddit blew up when one Reddit user shared his experience of him and his significant other arguing about their future of having a child while also keeping themselves financially stable, and as always, other users have really strong opinions on the matter.

A Reddit post with the title “Mukha ba akong pera?” (Do I look like someone who only values money?) details an experience of a couple on the hardships of their family planning because of certain circumstances that prevent them from forming a family.

Screenshot via Reddit

The author explains that his significant other wants to settle down already and have a child however, they have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and was advised by the doctor that due to this condition, now would be the best time to have a baby.

The post blew up as a lot of people were sharing their opinions on the family planning matter and have mostly given advice to the author.

Screenshot via Reddit
Screenshot via Reddit
Screenshot via Reddit

Some comments, on the other hand, were warning that the actions of the author’s partner showed some “red flags.”

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Screenshot via Reddit
Screenshot via Reddit

The author also posted an update post further explaining his side of the story and also defending his partner saying that she is hardworking and selfless and probably pressured with their current situation.

Screenshot via Reddit

The Redditor’s dilemma calls for a tough decision to make. On the one hand, they feel as though they are racing against time because the doctor said that now is a good time to have a baby given his girlfriend’s medical condition. On the other hand, they also need to consider their financial situation. Which one do they prioritize, having a baby now as the doctor suggests despite the idea that they will most likely struggle financially as they raise their child? Or should they wait it out and try for a baby later on in the future, when they are more financially able for starting a family? Whichever they decide, it’s important that they make the decision together and talk things through so they can plan properly.


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