Logan explained: A guide for casual X-Men fans-2

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In the movie, however, it was implied that it was Charles Xavier, and not Logan, who destroyed the X-Men. Suffering from dementia, Professor X’s brain has been classified by the government as a W.M.D. We see the chaos that Xavier’s mind can inflict every time he has a seizure and it paralyzes everyone around him with psychic pain. This is why Logan keeps mentioning throughout the movie that he wants to get Charles on a boat and sail into the middle of the ocean.


Another clue to Charles Xavier destroying the X-Men was given during the casino scene. There was a report on the radio of a similar incident where 600 people were paralyzed — and several killed — in an incident in Westchester, which, as any X-fan should know, was the location of Xavier’s school.

This is further corroborated by a touching scene in which a weakened Charles Xavier (who has regained some of his memories) confided to Logan, “I did something. . . something unspeakable. I remembered what happened in Westchester. This is not the first time that I’ve hurt people. Until today, I didn’t know. You didn’t tell me, so we kept on running away from it. I think . . . I finally understand you.”


The movie also introduces X-23 (a.k.a. Laura), a young mutant created in a lab from Logan’s DNA, essentially making her his daughter. In the comic books, X-23 takes the mantle of Wolverine after Logan died. Whether this is the direction future X-Men/Wolverine movies will take is not clear, though it’s a very interesting possibility.

Other characters in the movie you might be wondering about (if you’re not that familiar with X-Men lore) would be Caliban, X-24, the Reavers, and the mutant kids.

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