Logan explained: A guide for casual X-Men fans-3

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Caliban is a character that first showed up in the comic books in the early 80s. He was one of the founders of the Morlocks, a group of disfigured mutants who lived underground, and was essentially a living Cerebro (which explains why he was being used to track down Logan and the other remaining mutants).


X-24 was never a comic book character. He serves as an example of what Logan could have been like if he remained compliant to the Weapon X program. If you’re wondering about the numbering system of his name (and X-23’s), it’s because they are the 23rd and 24th in a series of failed attempts to clone Wolverine.


In the comic books, The Reavers is a gang of criminal cyborgs that undertake para-military style commando operations and conducts robberies all over the world.


Some of the names of the mutant kids Laura/X-23 kept blurting out towards the end of the movie (Rictor, Gideon, Bobby, Delilah, etc.) would sound familiar to long-time comic book fans as characters from X-Force/New Mutants, a spin-off of the X-Men comics that reached popularity in the 80s to early-90s.

All in all, Logan is a very satisfying movie that stands on its own, and serves as a fitting tribute for one of Marvel’s most beloved characters.