Sickest prank ever: TV show makes Paris Hilton think she was going to die in a plane crash

by AJT Santos

Egyptian TV program “Ramez Wakel el-Gaw” (Ramez In Control) pulled a prank on Paris Hilton that’s so horrifying it makes Punk’d seem like a skit on Sesame Street.

It all started when Paris was invited onboard a private plane for an aerial tour of Dubai after speaking at the opening of the YSW Hotel.

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Via YouTube

Almost immediately after takeoff, the aircraft started emitting a strange smell and a warning sound that prompted Paris to ask, “What the f***? What’s happening? Is this normal?”

The pilot (who’s in on the entire prank along with all the other passengers, of course) then shut the engine and began doing nosedives, twists, and other aerial maneuvers — all in an effort to make the heiress think her plane was going to crash.

As expected, Paris went batshit crazy.

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Via YouTube
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Via YouTube

After what seemed like ages, the plane finally landed on the tarmac and host Ramez Galal revealed it was all an elaborate prank to an obviously traumatized Paris Hilton who has now melted into a puddle of tears.

Here’s the full video of the incident. Your heart will bleed for Paris just watching this piece of torture porn.

Paris Hilton Plane Crash Prank

Paris tweeted, “Scariest moment of my life. I really believed the plane was going to crash & we were all going to die.”

No matter what your opinion of Paris Hilton is, nobody deserves this kind of distress. Not even your worst enemy.