DLSU JEMA’s x TTI: ‘Invigorate: A Modern World Taft’ webinar

What do you miss about pre-covid life? Is it the hangout after class with friends? Is it the random out of town? Or the taste of new restaurants nearby? It’s been more than a year since our lives changed. It’s been more than a year since we went out freely.

Many businesses were affected as they faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were forced to close and struggled to continue their operations. Despite the challenges, some businesses fought hard against this pandemic to stay relevant in the industry. The question asked is, “how did they do it?”

The De La Salle University’s Junior Entrepreneurs and Marketing Association (JEMA) in partnership with The Taft Initiative (TTI) invites you to Invigorate: A Modern World Taft. Happening on August 20, 2021 from 3:00PM – 5:00PM via Zoom.

Don’t miss out on the chance to learn from Taft restaurant business owners as they talk about how they were able to overcome the uncertainties brought by the new normal in the Modern World Taft. Among the topics for discussion are the following:

Brand Positioning – a distinctive feature of the business, “What sets them apart from its competitors?” It is how the customers perceive the brand and how it is distinguished from the products the competitors offer. This topic will help entrepreneurs understand the importance of relevancy, competitive distinctiveness, and brand value.

Brand Expansion – brand’s strategy to grow its market share. It’s to allow businesses to fully realize their brand’s growth potential. This is what established firms do when they would like to introduce a new product category or a spin-off. In brand expansion, this would establish a company’s reputation and credibility in the marketplace.

Pricing Strategies – a tactic that companies use to increase their sales and maximize profits. This is an important decision-making factor for businesses since it would need to take into account expenses, competition, market image, and more! This would also determine how the consumers would choose their products and services.

What are you waiting for?

Join us by registering through our pre-registration form: https://tinyurl.com/InvigoratePreReg

To know more about this event, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/InvigorateAModernWorldTaft and be sure to register for the webinar and gain a chance to learn and together, Invigorate: A Modern World Taft!



