10 times Squidward was us and we were Squidward

Growing up, it may be difficult not to be jaded by life. Every day we learn many truths, and some of these are painful. You may not have realized how much you may have changed as a person… how much grumpier you may have gotten… how much more… Squidward-like. 

It isn’t always easy to be the optimistic and fun-loving Spongebob in our real lives, sometimes we must embrace our inner Squidward.

Take comfort in these 10 pictures, memes, and gifs of Squidward being the relatable spirit animal we all know and deserve (sorry Spongebob)  both for the old and the old at heart. 


A healthy sleep schedule? Never heard of her

Whether you stay up late binging a show/movie, doing some late night work, or even because you’re busy making yourself sleep deprived over (another) talking stage, Squidward sees you and he’s got you.


Nap time is me time 

Sleep is a precious commodity; it is one’s chance to revitalize their senses and play out their craziest scenarios. Never interrupt a nap unless absolutely necessary.



It sucks when you aren’t able to hang out with the people you love, whether it be an online or a (socially-distanced) in-person hangout, FOMO is still the worst… and Squidward knows it too.


I hate it here! 

On the rare occasions that you do socialize, sometimes the moments aren’t really all that precious. The beauty of this badge is its applicability for more than just one type of social situation.


Vibe check  

They say laughter is the best medicine… but what about when it’s induced by someone you don’t like? Go ahead and steal that joke… Squidward won’t tell.


Why you should hire me…

It’s tiring to look for a job. You know your skills and qualifications, but sometimes it just seems like employers don’t see how special you really are! You’re such a catch!


Happy birthday(?) 

Birthdays were fun when you were young, but when the gifts get less and less and your age starts going higher and higher… Please hand over the cake and leave.


I just want somebody to love… not you though 

Part of growing up is wanting to be loved by other people, but when it’s there… it may be better to just fantasize about it. It’s not rare to crave love and affection while simultaneously being absolutely allergic to it.


Diet starts tomorrow 

Your body is continuously changing, especially as you get older. It’s important to take care of yourself but you deserve to have an indulgent snack every once in a while! #treatyourself #self-care


I’m okay, I swear 

… It really do be like that sometimes…


We can’t all be Spongebob every day but keep your chin up! Even Squidward smiled sometimes, and he is still relatable even then!


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