Filipinos pretend to go to Harvard, reminisce about supposed campus life

Everyone’s lives have changed drastically due to the pandemic. With schools shifting to remote learning, it’s been quite the adjustment as students have gone from greeting their classmates in the hallway to now only seeing them in Zoom meetings. As they desire for a sense of familiarity, college students in the Philippines have found a unique way to cope with the anxieties of online classes.

Harvard University became a trending topic on Facebook in the last few days, and not because it’s back-to-school season in the United States or any other obvious reason.

In true Pinoy humor, people have been sharing and commenting on photos from Harvard University’s official Facebook page, pretending to have attended this prestigious institution in Cambridge.

It appears that some students have also taken this as an opportunity to reminisce about what they miss most about campus life, referencing their own university’s culture.

Lasallians have jokingly been referring to a random photo of a cat to be of their beloved campus cat, Archer, who passed away last year.

Photo of Archer: Gia Lara of Petograpiya

Students have also been comparing this photo to the Naruto Run trend back in 2017.

While it is unclear how exactly this started, we can’t help but to laugh along with the absurdity of it all. Considering that the admins of the Facebook page receive these notifications, it’s also funny to think how they might be reacting to these comments.

Filipinos – 1, Harvard – 0


See you at the Harvard Pavilion, mga kababayan!

POP! Creator Community / Lyshiel Aranal