This ostrich is us in 2020, and it’s the most random thing you will see today

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder this 2020, you see a random ostrich walking around your neighborhood and your village security guard won’t let it out because it doesn’t have a damn quarantine pass.

We never thought we’d ever use ‘ostrich’ and ‘quarantine pass’ in a same sentence but here we are.

Videos of an ostrich walking and running around a subdivision in Quezon City went viral today and it’s like a scene straight out of Jumanji.

Ostrich spotted running carefree in Quezon City subdivision 2

In one video, the ostrich seems to be heading straight for its freedom, but the security guard closed the barrier of the village gates and jokingly shouted, “Wala kang ID hindi ka pwedeng lumabas (You don’t have an ID, you can’t go out).”

Even an ostrich cannot escape the reality of our times.

People on social media were quick to poke fun on this weird incident.

A ride sharing/delivery service firm even took the opportunity to promote their services because one of their riders happened to be on the scene.

How the ostrich was able to roam around the village or where it came from is still uncertain, but one thing we do know is that we just found the animal that best represents us this 2020—an overweight, flightless bird that avoids people and just wants to go out and be free.