Metal fan encourages people to wear masks—just like Slipknot

Despite the ongoing pandemic, there are certain groups in particular parts of the world that refuse to wear face masks when going out.

For those trying to battle this type of irrationality, a good analogy can maybe help put some perspective.

This was what one metal fan did when he made a reference to American heavy metal band Slipknot, who’s well-known for wearing masks their entire music career.

Twitter user Val (@XMaloVidaX) said in a post: “If Slipknot can wear a mask for a full set than you can wear a mask for your trip to Target!!”

The tweet has since gone viral and earned more than 100,000 likes and re-tweeted more than 30,000 times.

One Twitter user replied to the thread: “A whole tour. A whole career,” which pertains to the band’s penchant for gruesome yet awesome face masks all throughout their music career.

Another commenter said, “If Corey taylor can receive scars in his eyes from a mask and not complain you can wear one for 30 minutes at the store,” referring to the Slipknot band member.

If you don’t like wearing your standard, boring-looking face masks, you can always try wearing masks like these: