Survivalist Bear Grylls launches 100 kid-friendly indoor activities

Outdoor survivalist Bear Grylls has developed indoor adventure ideas in collaboration with the Scouts United Kingdom to help entertain the kids during lockdown.

While Grylls is best known for his wilderness survival series including “Man vs Wild” and National Geographic’s “Running Wild with Bear Grylls,” he has turned his attention to kid-friendly activities that can be performed indoors—a foreign and uncharacteristic setting for the outdoor adventurist.

“The people who really thrive in life are those who, when the storms come, they don’t panic, they keep focused, they keep moving forward and they adapt to their new world,” he said in a Facebook video.

“At Scouts, we’re always outside, we’re always in community, always traveling around having adventure but for now we’ve got to adapt and we’ve come up with a whole lot of indoor adventures.”

Grylls is also a World Scout Chief Ambassador.

The Great Indoors project features 100 missions and tasks that include origami, photo-snapping tutorial, popsicle stick catapult project, word and memory games and even mindfulness activities. IB /ra


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