Museums around the world offer ‘Moment of Zen’ to ease people’s minds through art 

When the new decade started, it sprung hope in us as we welcomed another opportunity to start anew—a fresh start to make things better in our lives. But clearly, the first quarter of the year was an emotional earthquake that also shook our mental stability, a wave of crippling anxiety brought upon by a global pandemic that had people trapped inside the four corners of their homes while the rest don’t have much choice but to continue their battle outside with an invisible yet deadly virus.

To say that things have been “stressful” lately would be the understatement of the year and we’re only down to the third month. And now that most public places are forced to shutdown and many of us are under quarantine, Museums around the world found a way to help those who are feeling extra anxious about the virus outbreak by sharing their most “zen” art pieces on social media. After all, in the most difficult times, sometimes we turn to art to try to make sense of life and find peace amid the chaos.

In order to help people take a break from the panic coverage and information overload about the COVID-19 outbreak on social media, the Museum of the City of New York started the hashtag #MuseumMomentofZen on Twitter and Instagram to share art pieces and imagery that will help them enjoy a little culture despite being in isolation.

Several museums from different parts of the world quickly joined in and contributed their own #MuseumMomentofZen entries.

These cityscape paintings might help you remember the life in a bustling and peaceful city in a time of lockdowns, social distancing, and isolation.

You might also find a ray of sunshine and comfort in healing powers of nature as you scroll through these luscious landscape paintings.

Or find solace in these contemporary pieces, images, and a painting that depicts a peaceful life at home.

May this be a reminder to all of us that it’s okay to take a deep breath, pause, and find moments of zen if we’re feeling overwhelmed by our current situation. Art is everywhere for everyone to find hope and inspiration as we all try to get through this, one day at a time.