UP Junior Finance Association leads the first nationwide summit in Bulacan

UP Junior Finance Association, with its vision of forging national sustainable development by spreading financial literacy, proudly presents the Philippine Financial Summit 2020: The Missing Piece. 

PFS 2020 is four-part nationwide summit that aims to promote nation-building through finance by exposing and developing Filipino students to take on the field of finance. This year, PFS will lead you to find a place for your missing puzzle piece – your desire for financial literacy. 

Join us in PFS 2020’s first summit in the growing province of Bulacan. With our partner school, Bulacan State University, we urge you to grab the opportunity to take part in learning more about Financial Technology and Capital Markets, and how each can be applied to your daily life from our lineup of notable speakers, informative workshops, and interactive breakout sessions. By attending the summit, you also get the chance to talk to top industry professionals and company leaders in the field of finance through our Networking Night dinner program! 

Take part in our journey to find your fit in the world of finance!